
A Cast-Gold, Gnathological

Dental Study Club

"CAIC / THE MASTER SAID ... / A gentleman collects friends by his culture, And by means of these friends improves his goodness. / A profession departing from virtue ceases to be a profession in any real sense / Public as well as private good is the ideal of a character in which all the graces of heart and intellect meet. / A great man never loses his child's mind ... his ardent spirit of inquiry ... his insatiable thirst for knowledge. / What you don't like done to you don't do to others."
"THE BASIC TENET OF C.A.I.C. / Confucius said: 'Yu, shall I tell you about / knowledge? When you know to be sure / you know, and when you don't know to be sure / you don't know. That is knowledge.'"